This page lists some important online resources to help find, register, conduct and report clinical trials.

Searching for clinical trials?

Trials registered in the ANZCTR can be searched directly at ANZCTR Search with Help and tips for searching.

To increase visibility of clinical trials and help people find relevant trials, information from the ANZCTR is used to populate other public search platforms. These include:

For trials in Australia:

For trials occurring internationally:

Registering or updating trials on the ANZCTR?

Registering a new trial:

Updating information for an existing trial:

NB: the ANZCTR serves to register clinical trials. If you have a systematic review or meta-analysis, please visit PROSPERO - an international register of health-related reviews.

Conducting and reporting health research?

Below are some resources on current best practice in health research:

Specific guidelines for health research in Australia: